A Note From Denmark

One of the fun things about having a movie released internationally is hearing reactions from very different places.  When someone I've never met from a country I've never been to takes the time to send a note saying how much they enjoyed the film, it really makes me smile.  Here's a note from such a person that I'm posting to share with cast and crew so they can see this appreciation for their work.

Hello Brian

I've been eagerly waiting for the release of Manhattan Night knowing it would be a very special movie experience - and it most certainly was: It's an absolutely brilliant noir thriller with a beautiful visual style, an amazing cast, a great atmosphere and a gripping story. 

You've created a superb and completely unforgettable movie and I’m thrilled to have it in my collection. I've already seen it twice and in fact I'm looking forward to watching Manhattan Night again very soon - I intend to visit this particular world many times.

Having made a movie of this caliber must be extremely satisfying for you.

I´m also extremely excited about the prospect of a new feature project from DeCubellis Films and I sincerely hope you'll make another character-driven thriller since you're a supremely gifted writer/director, born to make these movies. 

I wish you all the best. 

Kind regards Bjoern Hoegh, Denmark.


Many thanks for that Bjoern.  Your note is very appreciated!